Friday, August 14, 2009

In Which Alyson Decides to Get a Life

Have you ever looked back on your life and wondered how you spent your time? I have years like that. Yes, years where I have few memories and little record of what occurred. True, I have a terrible memory and haven't owned a camera in more than a decade, but it's still a sad statement. So I have decided to take the plunge and do all the things I always meant to do.

My goal is to do 100 new things this year. Yep, that's one roughly every three days. I don't have a complete list right now, but here are some ideas:

  1. Reduce my body fat to 18%.
  2. Squat my body weight.
  3. Do 1 full pull-up.
  4. Cycle 50 miles in one day.
  5. Hike 10 miles in one day.
  6. Write and distribute a computer program that fills a need.
  7. Write and sell an iPhone application.
  8. Grow a garden during the winter (possibly just tomatoes and some herbs).
  9. Pay off student loans.
  10. Landscape the yard into a beautiful oasis.
  11. Achieve excellence in drawing. Not sure how to measure this.
  12. Develop a TNT (tried 'n true) pants pattern.
  13. Develop a TNT T-shirt pattern. Surprisingly difficult....
  14. Develop a TNT blouse pattern.
  15. Train the dogs to sit, stay, and come.
  16. Reach my kids in Primary. They zone out, and I don't blame them. I'm a boring teacher!
  17. Finish remodeling the living room.
  18. Remodel the main bathroom.
  19. Remodel the kitchen.
  20. Read no fiction for one year. The first and only "do not" of this list, but this is the main reason I don't live my own life--I'm too busy reading about others' (fictional) lives!
  21. Create set of Primary games.
  22. Attend every temple in Utah.
  23. Learn to knit.
  24. Bike to work every day for a month.
  25. Go to all major tourist sites in Utah.
    1. Antelope Island
    2. Brigham Young's home
    3. This is the Place State Park
    4. Moab
    5. Copper mine
    6. Lake Powell
    7. Goblin Valley
    8. Escalante
    9. Zion's National Park
    10. Uintah Mtns
  26. Take a downhill skiing lesson.
  27. Go cross-country skiing.
  28. Go snow-shoeing.
  29. Get flexible enough to wrap my hands around my feet.
  30. Re-read the Book of Mormon.
  31. Read Jesus the Christ by Bruce R. McConkie.
  32. Re-read the New Testament.
  33. Do yoga 3 times a week for a month.
  34. Play racquetball 3 times a week for a month.
  35. Learn to swim the breaststroke.
  36. Take 3 singing lessons.
  37. Get certified by Toastmasters. (Ha! I went once and was so awful that I cried on the way home.)
  38. Learn to mingle.
  39. Attend 3 social events and practice my mingling skills.
  40. Use coupons for 1 month on every grocery shopping trip.
  41. Learn to dance socially. That is, learn to dance so that I can go to a club or a party and not feel like a fool.
  42. Cook 3 recipes from every cookbook I own.
  43. Learn to flirt.
  44. Read every book I own (non-fiction), or get rid of it.
  45. Return everything I've borrowed.
  46. Fulfill all promises I've made.
    1. Aunt's pictures
    2. Karen's daugher's photo
  47. Sew 1 item per Burda or Ottobre sewing magazine that I have.
  48. Sew 1 item per pattern that I own, or get rid of it.
  49. Budget before every paycheck in advance, and use the envelope system.
  50. Write a novel.
  51. Change the oil in a car.
  52. Learn the basics of how a car operates and what the main components are.
  53. Learn to replace a faucet.
  54. Learn to tile.
  55. Sew all fabric that I currently own and that I'll buy this coming year, or get rid of it.
  56. Learn to tune up my own bicycle.
  57. Contact all brothers at least once a week (phone, email, text, etc).
  58. Develop 3 friendships this year.
  59. Go visiting teaching every month this year.
  60. Re-learn how to ride a motorcycle.
That is quite a list. I was intending to go for 100 items, but I think it's already nearly impossible. I can't wait to start!

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