Saturday, August 15, 2009

More things I'd like to do this year:
  1. Turn my bedroom from a storage unit into a relaxation oasis.
  2. Use or get rid of stored furniture.
  3. Sell, donate, or throw away unused items, including clothing.
  4. Restore the exterior of the house.
  5. Take a class on building houses.
  6. Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity at least 3 times.
  7. Take a drawing class.
  8. Take a belly dancing class.
  9. Read all the Book of Mormon chapter headings in one day.
  10. Build a dog house or shed (to learn and practice stick framing).
  11. Install a recessed light (to learn and practice electrical skills).
  12. Master 10 classic recipes. Not sure what they are yet. ;)
  13. Speed read the Book of Mormon in one month.
  14. Reduce my regular monthly expenses to half my monthly net income.
  15. Buy a reading chair. How many years have I wanted one???
  16. Finish Grandma Barrus' memory book.
  17. Take a class on auto mechanics (maintenance and repair).
  18. Collect one year's worth of food storage.
  19. Master 10 recipes on cooking with food storage.
  20. Create a list of needed emergency items, and prioritize it.
  21. Collect emergency supplies highest priority emergency supplies.
  22. Learn how to bake bread.
  23. Record every cent spent for a month.
  24. Give up sugar for a month. This includes all items where sugar is one of the top 3 ingredients.
  25. Get 8 hrs of sleep for a month.
  26. Train the dogs to walk on a leash without pulling me every which way.
So what shall I do today? My first thought this morning was to grab and novel and start reading. It was not easy to avoid that temptation, but I have thus far escaped fiction's grasping hands. Okay, here's the plan:
  • I really need to work on fitness daily if I'm to achieve the body fat percentage and other health related goals. So I'm going to cycle 3 miles today.
  • Later today I'm going to work on finishing the front room remodeling. Even if we can't finish the baseboard today I can still work on cleaning the walls and caulking the crown molding.
  • Go grocery shopping for next week. Spend no more than $30.
  • Draw!

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